Who is behind

ZDRAHALA Lukas - Founder and CEO
I won’t bore you with my resume—you can find that elsewhere. Instead, let me share a story that shaped TickerFilter.
I’ve always been drawn to creating apps and software, but my real fascination began when I discovered the financial markets. Diving into investing, especially stock picking, became my passion. I loved uncovering hidden investment opportunities that the market hadn’t yet recognized.
But there was a problem.
I needed a way to filter thousands of stocks based on my personal rules—something that simply didn’t exist. Searching through countless companies and industries for specific data felt like an impossible task.
Initially, I didn’t set out to create a commercial project. I just wanted a tool for my own investing needs, something reliable and tailored. That’s how TickerFilter was born, and that’s why I know it works.
My needs:
- A way to manage my investments in one place, ensuring I never missed key events like earnings announcements or dividend payments.
- Reliable access to financial data—profit and loss statements, market trends, and economic indicators—to build my strategies without relying on shaky recommendations from others.
- A system to quickly retrieve past insights. Managing securities daily generates an overwhelming amount of data, and finding what I needed at critical moments used to be nearly impossible.
Today, tasks that once took hours now take minutes.
Over time, I realized this wasn’t just a personal project anymore. Other traders face the same challenges I did, and TickerFilter could help them too.
And here we are.
But this is just the beginning. TickerFilter is constantly evolving, and I’m excited to see how it will grow to serve you even better.