Region: US
Employees: 0
IPO year: -
Issue type: Common Stock
Market: XNAS
Our mission is to become a leading global end-to-end supply chain solution provider. We are one of the leading Shenzhen-based end-to-end supply chain solution providers in China, with a focus on providing cross-border logistics services. We were incorporated on June 10, 2022 as a company limited by shares structures as a holding company incorporated under the laws of Cayman Islands. Our registered office is located at Vistra (Cayman) Limited, P.O. Box 31119 Grand Pavilion, Hibiscus Way, 802 West Bay Road, Grand Cayman, KY1-1205 Cayman Islands. Our principal executive offices of our operating subsidiaries are located at 4th Floor, Building 4, Shatoujiao Free Trade Zone, Yantian District, Shenzhen, the People’s Republic of China. Our agent for service of process in the United States is Cogency Global Inc. located at 122 East 42nd Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY.